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Opti-Kids Space Jelly Supplement

RM47.00 MYR
RM50.00 MYR

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Formulated with Astaxanthin extract, L-Theanine, L-Lysine, Vitamins and Minerals to provide wholesome nourishment to a growing child.


Good to Know: 

OPTI-Kids Space Jelly supplement is a delicious orange and passion fruit flavoured jelly that contains Astaxanthin, L-Theanine, L-Lysine, Vitamin C and Zinc which provide All-In-One functional nutrients for kids.


Direction for Use:

Consume 1-3 jellies daily. Best served chilled, perfect to enjoy on hot days!



Store in a cold & dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.



Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate (37%), Pomegranate Juice Concentrate, Orange Juice Concentrate (15%), Gelling Agent (Carrageenan & Xanthan Gum), Inulin, Astaxanthin (0.2%), L-Theanine, L-Lysine, Vitamin C, Zinc Gluconate, Preservative (Sodium Benzoate), Stevia Extract, Acidity Regulator (Citric Acid), Natural Flavour (Orange, Passion Fruit), Water. 

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What is OPTI-Kids Space Jelly?

OPTI-Kids Space Jelly is a jelly stick with an appetising orange and passion fruit natural flavour specially designed for children. It is scientifically formulated with AstaReal® Astaxanthin extract, Suntheanine® L-Theanine, L-Lysine, vitamins and minerals that target the brain, eyes, immune system and improve appetite.

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Worry Your Children Are Picky Eaters?

Kids require essential nutrients for optimal growth, specifically to enhance vision, support cognitive health for learning and development, and strengthen their immune system. Some kids are picky eaters. They are unable to get enough nutrients they need from foods which can lead to health issues, affecting normal growth and development.

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Why Not Give OPTI-Kids Space Jelly a Try? Give Your Kids the Nutrients They Need!

  • 5-in-1 uniquely formulated healthy jelly
  • Enhanced with high antioxidants
  • Added with Lysine to promote appetite and support your kid’s growth and development Supports healthy vision and strengthens Immunity
  • Improves mental focus, concentration, and learning performance
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L-Lysine Boosts Your Kids’ Appetite

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All children require an adequate amount of essential amino acid L-Lysine, which supports proper growth. The body does not make essential amino acids, so children need to get them from foods. L-Lysine plays an important role for children, which boosts children’s appetite, improves food variety intake to prevent nutritional deficiency and helps the body to absorb calcium to promote bone health.

Natural Astaxanthin, targeted nutrient for kids’ daily thriving

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Ultimate Nutrient for Your Kids’ Eyes

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AstaReal® Astaxanthin is clinically proven to:

  • Improve accommodative function (how well the eyes’ ciliary muscle tightens and relaxes when seeing far or near objects). This improves eyesight quality by preserving the zoom-in and zoom-out refocusing of the eyes
  • Relieve eye fatigue symptoms by improving capillary blood flow in the retina
  • Improve the symptoms linked to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Natural Shield for Your Kids’ Immunity and Boosts Energy

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  • Protects immune cells against oxidative stress and enhances immune response
  • Strengthens and balances the immune system
  • As “energy fuel” to support strength daily movement and enhance exercise performance
  • More focused and improves mental stamina

Optimal Combination with Vitamin C and Zinc for All-Day Protection

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Two essential nutrients (Vitamin C + Zinc), play a vital role in maintaining overall health and immunity:

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps in the growth and repair of tissues and strengthens the immune system. It also enhances absorption of dietary iron from food and helps to maintain healthy teeth, gums and skin.

Zinc is an essential mineral for carbohydrates, fats and protein metabolism to support healthy growth and development, help in wound healing and important for proper sense of taste and smell.


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L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea Camellia sinensis which naturally provides a calming and relaxing effect. Extracted using patented USA  technology, Suntheanine® L-theanine is a 100% pure and safe form of L-isomer-theanine which is produced via fermentative biosynthesis.

Backed up by 70 human clinical studies, it has been proven to promote a relaxed, focused and alert mind by increasing Alpha (α) brain waves and decreasing Beta (β) brain waves in the brain.

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α brain waves help the kids to reduce stress and anxiety (both mental & physical), improve creative thinking and boost your kid’s attention span and concentration.

 Also, it improves quality of sleep, helps kids fall asleep faster and sleep better at night.

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Smart Snacking with OPTI-Kids Space Jelly

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All the main active ingredients in OPTI-Kids are carefully selected with high quality and natural ingredients, and imported from overseas. OPTI-Kids caters your kids with the right and exact nutrients to enable them to go extra miles, without compromising their physical and mental health during their growing stage. OPTI-Kids cares for your kids’ eyesight, immunity, and overall well-being.

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OPTI-Kids Space Jelly offers optimal nourishment to growing kids:

  • Supports healthy growth and promotes appetite, especially kids who have poor appetite or picky eaters
  • Protects & improves eye health
  • Balances and strengthens the immune system, fights against cough, cold & flu
  • Sharpens mental acuity, increases attention span & productivity in a relaxed state
  • Supports kids’ active day and enhances exercise performance
  • Improves quality of sleep
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Recommended Dosage:
Children 2-5 years: Consume 1 jelly daily.
Children 6-12 years: Consume 1-3 jellies daily.

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References :

  • Shimidzu, N. et al. Carotenoids as singlet oxygen quenchers in marine organisms. Fish. Sci., 62, 134–137 (1996).
  • Tosini G. et al. Effects of blue light on the circadian system and eye physiology. Molecular Vision 2016; 22:61-72.
  • Takahashi N. et al., Effects of astaxanthin on accommodative recovery. J Clin Therap Med. 2005;21(4):431-36. (IN JAPANESE)
  • Nagaki Y. et al., The effects of astaxanthin on retinal capillary blood flow in normal volunteers. J Clin Therap Med. 2005;21(5):537-42. (IN JAPANESE)
  • Ophthalmology.10:813-820.
  • Park JS, Chyun JH, Kim YK, Line LL, Chew BP. Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation and enhanced immune response in humans. Nutr. Metab.5, 7-18 (2010).
  • Higashiyama, A. et. al. Effects of l-theanine on attention and reaction time response. J Func Food. 2011; 3(3):171-178.
  • Rao TP, Ozeki M, Juneja LR. In Search of a Safe Natural Sleep Aid. J Am Coll Nutr. 2015;34(5):436-47. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2014.926153. Epub 2015 Mar 11. PMID: 25759004.
  • Hidese, S., et. al. Effects of L-Theanine Administration on Stress-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. MDPI, Nutrients, 2019; 11(10): 2362.