OPTI-Kids Space Jelly Wins Best Overall Kids’ Nourishment Supplement at The Motherhood Choice Awards 2024
We are thrilled to announce that our OPTI-Kids Space Jelly has been awarded the prestigious title...

NutraIngredients-Asia Awards: OPTIXANTHIN OPTI-i is a Finalist in the Product of the Year: Botanical Category
NutraIngredients-Asia Awards: OPTIXANTHIN OPTI-i Finalist in Product of the Year: Botanical Categ...

The Star Paper: Astaxanthin is renowned for its powerful antioxidant qualities
Astaxanthin is renowned for its powerful antioxidant qualities

Good Health: 比叶黄素更厉害!真正的护眼高手竟然是虾红素
虾红素是一种强效抗氧化剂, 在众多抗氧化营养素中拔得头筹。它的抗氧保护力是维他命C的6000倍, 比叶黄素或胡萝卜素更强上2至5倍!不但可以预防...
![[Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021] BEST Functional Food For Brain Health - OPTI-C](http://optixanthin.com/cdn/shop/articles/Awards_CHI__NHRCA_2021_Opti_C_Functional_Food_For_Brain_Health_Jan2022_..._00000003__page-0001.webp?v=1690979655)
[Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021] BEST Functional Food For Brain Health - OPTI-C
Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021
![[Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021] BEST Eye Health Beverage - OPTI-i](http://optixanthin.com/cdn/shop/articles/Awards_CHI__NHRCA_2021_Opti_I_Eye_Health_Beverage_Jan2022_R6_page-0001.webp?v=1690979470)
[Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021] BEST Eye Health Beverage - OPTI-i
Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021

Easily Sin Chew Malaysia: 保护眼睛吃什么?5大营养素逐个看
2020-08-20 07:08
问:我是个深度近视者,工作环境须时常对着电脑 ,本身有吃护眼的保健品,请问这保健品能否有效护眼和能否长期吃?我所服用...

Health Talk: Natural Astaxanthin Prevents and Reverses Insulin Resistance, a Silent Marker for Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease

Optixanthin 提供疫苗移动型卡车,为雪隆区民众供应疫苗注射的便利!
为了响应政府加快实现集群免疫的号召,Optimax 眼睛专科中心创办人丹斯里拿督陈文福与联邦直辖区部联手,提供疫苗移动型卡车 ,为雪隆区民众供应疫苗注射的便利 。
身为 Optima...

Optixanthin 也捐赠了 「Opti-B 虾红素银蜂蜜」予“菩提之家”的孩子及员工们,愿「虾红素银蜂蜜」强大的营养价值提高工作人员与孩子们的免疫系统,让社会公益中心得以在疫情中安然过渡。
Optixanthin 创办人拿督丹斯里陈文福先生 及 马来西亚歌手刘燕燕...

Food Navigator: Plant-based and fish diets may help reduce severity of COVID-19 infection
Plant-based and fish diets may help reduce severity of COVID-19 infection
By Nikki Hancocks
A s...

The Star Paper: Virgin coconut oil appears to help fight Covid-19
Virgin coconut oil appears to help fight Covid-19
Wednesday, 28 Oct 2020
8:00 AM MYT

Testimonial - 刘燕燕 Crystal Liew (Malaysian Singer)
❞Opti-B 虾红素银蜂蜜❞
内成分包括天然最强抗氧化剂【虾红素】及俗称“超级蜂蜜”【银蜂蜜】以润养五脏修复呼吸道 (咳嗽,哮喘)及提高免疫力...

The Star Paper: Addressing Computer-Related Eye Strain
Today's prevalent use of computers and mobile devices has resulted in a myriad of afflictions th...

Is MCO causing an epidemic of short-sightedness among children?
The COVID-19 has caused a shift in our daily lives, especially for our children. With ...

Apa yang telah kita pelajari dari pandemik Covid-19 ialah kita seharusnya letakkan kesihatan sebagai prioriti utama.
Apa yang telah kita pelajari dari pandemik Covid-19 ialah kita seharusnya letakkan kesihatan seba...

COVID-19 新冠肺炎教会了我们一件事:健康比一切来得更重要。摄取这三种功能性保健食品能提高您的免疫力
COVID-19 新冠肺炎教会了我们一件事:健康比一切来得更重要。
1. 虾红素,自然并安全地缓解由新冠肺炎引起的的细胞因子风...

Utusan Malaysia: Madu kelulut mampu cegah kencing manis
Madu kelulut mampu cegah kencing manis
DR. NORHASNIDA Zawawi (kiri) melihat sarang lebah k...

UPM News: Researchers discover trehalulose sugar in kelulut honey brings health benefits
Researchers discover trehalulose sugar in kelulut honey brings health benefits
SERDANG: A re...

The Star Paper: Our heartiest congratulations to Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dato' Tan Boon Hock
Source: https://newsstand.thestar.com.my/epaper/mobimax/reader/magazine/index.php?params=%7B%22c...

Malaysia Sin Chew: 节录 :我们可以怪罪政府办事不力、制度紊乱、系统低效、官员无能等等等,即便这些都是事实,但医疗系统瘫痪的现况,却是目前改变不了的困境。
“政府医院是政府的,每年税收也归政府保管,为什么还要民间⽀援政府医院?” 这些都是⼀些⽼友的真⼼话,针对我为某政府医院募款以...

The Star Paper: Optixanthin 500 care packs for hospital’s frontliners
AS PART of the pledge towards providing proper protection to Covid-19 frontliners, a Malaysian ...


Redeem an Exclusive Eye Test at Optimax, Brought to you by Optixanthin
Click here to pre-register now
Choose one of the five options:
Color Vision Test

The Star Paper: Help our frontliners stay healthy
Help our frontliners stay healthy
Sign up with The Star Online and Optixanthin will contribute a ...

MyStar Paper: Antioksidan 6,000 kali lebih berkesan berbanding vitamin C dicampur minyak kelapa dara, madu kelulut... bayangkan impak pada tubuh badan anda!
Antioksidan 6,000 kali lebih berkesan berbanding vitamin C dicampur minyak kelapa dara, madu ke...