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Blog Posts
- Halal Certificate for Opti-B, Opti-C & Opti Kids 2024
- Opti-Cap Halal Certificate 2024
- Opti-I Halal Certificate 2024
- OPTI-Kids Space Jelly Wins Best Overall Kids’ Nourishment Supplement at The Motherhood Choice Awards 2024
- Optixanthin in Sin Chew Daily| Blue-ray & Dry eye by Dr Chang
- World Glaucoma Week 2020 ( 8th March – 14th March 2020)
- 蓝光对眼睛的伤害 数码视觉疲劳
- The Star Paper: Eye-Opening Views On Astaxanthin
- Star Health Paper: Opti-i | The Superfood for Eye Health
- The Star Paper: For A Robust Immune System
- mStar Paper: Kenapa mendapat jolokan 'Raja Antioksidan'? Ketahui kesan pengambilan sumber semula jadi ini kepada kesihatan anda!
- Optixanthin E-leaflet
- 面对“新冠”疫情,虾青素如何帮您提高自身免疫力?
- MyStar Paper: Antioksidan 6,000 kali lebih berkesan berbanding vitamin C dicampur minyak kelapa dara, madu kelulut... bayangkan impak pada tubuh badan anda!
- Optixanthin Collaborates with The Star and Hospital Sungai Buloh
- Redeem an Exclusive Eye Test at Optimax, Brought to you by Optixanthin
- 体力下降=未老先衰?确定真的是这样吗
- 让我们窥探最强抗氧化剂——虾红素,如何解锁你的健康密码
- 虾红素之抗氧化和抗炎功效——强化免疫力、开启人体第三道防线
- Effect of Astaxanthin on Accommodation and Asthenopia
- Dietary supplementation of astaxanthin enhances hemato-biochemistry and innate immunity of Asian seabass, Lates calcifer (Bloch, 1790)
- Astaxanthin improves glucose metabolism and reduces blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Improve Cardiovascular Health With AstaReal®
- Sharpen Your Vision With AstaReal®
- Improve Your Vision With AstaReal®
- Keep Your Mind in Tune With AstaReal®
- Improve Muscle Performance with AstaReal®
- Building strength, endurance, and mobility using an astaxanthin formulation with functional training in elderly
- Astaxanthin in Exercise Metabolism, Performance and Recovery: A Review
- Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation and enhanced immune response in humans
- Give your Immune System a Boost with AstaReal®
- AstaReal® Strengthens The Immune System
- What is the difference between Astaxanthin and other antioxidants? What makes astaxanthin so unique?
- Safe Natural Anti-inflammatory
- What is Natural Astaxanthin?
- Opti-B Physical/Chemical Test
- Opti-B Heavy Metals, Antioxidants and Microbiological Test
- Improve Men's Health
- Anti-inflammatory Properties of Stingless Bee Honey May Reduce the Severity of Pulmonary Manifestations in COVID-19 Infections
- Free Radicals and Singlet Oxygen
- Clinical Applications of Astaxanthin in the Treatment of Ocular Diseases: Emerging Insights
- What is Free Radical and Antioxidant? Why we do we need Antioxidant?
- 经常对着电脑或刷手机的你,来看看你是不是出现这些症状
- Testimonial - Ms. Huang
- Testimonial - Mr. Azhar Adenan
- Testimonial - Mr. Wong Y.S
- Testimonial - Ms. Catherine
- Testimonial - Madam Liew Yoke Chooi
- Testimonial - Mrs. Chen
- Testimonial - Huang Yueying
- Testimonial - Gill (Jockey)
- Testimonial - Anna Lui
- Testimonial - Singdy Yang
- Astaxanthin for heart health? Pilot study says carotenoid suppresses oxidative stress
- The Star Paper: Our heartiest congratulations to Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dato' Tan Boon Hock
- Utusan Malaysia: Madu kelulut mampu cegah kencing manis
- UPM News: Researchers discover trehalulose sugar in kelulut honey brings health benefits
- Opti-C Chemical / Physical Test 13Aug20
- Opti-C Microbiological Test 13Aug20
- Health Talk: Antioxidant and oxidative stress: A mutual interplay in healthy living
- Health Talk: Astaxanthin, a New Antioxidant as an Adjunct Therapy in Diabetes Management
- Opti-B Halal Certificate
- Opti-I Certificate of Analysis
- Eye Health
- Skin Health
- Diabetes/Hypertension/Hypercholesterolemia/Heart (Metabolic Syndrome)
- Muscle Health
- Brain Health
- Immune Health
- Liver, kidney and gastrointestinal health
- The Star Paper: Addressing Computer-Related Eye Strain
- Testimonial - 刘燕燕 Crystal Liew (Malaysian Singer)
- The Star Paper: Virgin coconut oil appears to help fight Covid-19
- Is MCO causing an epidemic of short-sightedness among children?
- Opti-C Halal Certificate
- Health Talk: Natural Astaxanthin Provides a New Insight in Blood Glucose Management
- Health Talk: Natural Astaxanthin Prevents and Reverses Insulin Resistance, a Silent Marker for Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease
- Food Navigator: Plant-based and fish diets may help reduce severity of COVID-19 infection
- Optixanthin 提供疫苗移动型卡车,为雪隆区民众供应疫苗注射的便利!
- Optixanthin 也捐赠了 「Opti-B 虾红素银蜂蜜」予“菩提之家”的孩子及员工们,愿「虾红素银蜂蜜」强大的营养价值提高工作人员与孩子们的免疫系统,让社会公益中心得以在疫情中安然过渡。
- Malaysia Sin Chew: Optixanthin 加入[星洲人]好康多 | 6月19日起可换抗疫礼袋
- The Star Paper: Optixanthin 500 care packs for hospital’s frontliners
- The Star Paper: Help our frontliners stay healthy
- The Star Paper: Optimax Group Pledge RM200k for CONVID-19 Fight
- Malaysia Sin Chew: 节录 :我们可以怪罪政府办事不力、制度紊乱、系统低效、官员无能等等等,即便这些都是事实,但医疗系统瘫痪的现况,却是目前改变不了的困境。
- Testimonial - Izyan
- Testimonial - Kai Ern
- Testimonial - Nicole
- Testimonial - Ms. Wong
- Testimonial - Mr. Ming
- Testimonial - Mohammad
- Testimonial - Arif
- Testimonial - Ms. Lim
- Testimonial - Nicole Ng
- Testimonial - Mr. Lim
- Testimonial - Online customer
- Testimonial - Nicole Ng (Administrative Personnel at a construction company)
- Testimonial - Encik Adnan (Penyelia tapak pembinaan)
- Testimonial - Josephine Lim
- Testimonial - Izyan Masnan
- Testimonial - Rakan Izyan
- Testimonial - Kai Ern (Medical student)
- Testimonial - Mr Teoh GH
- Testimonial - Mr Kho
- Testimonial - Online Customer
- Taking these Three Functional Foods Helps Boost Your Immune System
- COVID-19 新冠肺炎教会了我们一件事:健康比一切来得更重要。摄取这三种功能性保健食品能提高您的免疫力
- Easily Sin Chew Malaysia: 保护眼睛吃什么?5大营养素逐个看
- [Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021] BEST Functional Food For Brain Health - OPTI-C
- [Natural Health Good Health Readers’ Choice Awards 2021] BEST Eye Health Beverage - OPTI-i
- AstaReal Quality of Life whitepaper February 2022
- Good Health: 比叶黄素更厉害!真正的护眼高手竟然是虾红素
- Shed excess weight safely with OPTI-CAP
- Opti-Kids Certificate of Analysis
- Opti-Kids Palatinose Toothfriendly Certificate
- Opti-Kids Certificate of Analysis
- Opti-Kids Classification (Food)
- Opti-B Classification (Food)
- Opti-I Classification (Food)
- Opti-C Classification (Food)
- Opti-I Halal Certificate
- Opti-Cap Certificate of Analysis
- Opti-Cap Classification (Traditional Medicine)
- Apa yang telah kita pelajari dari pandemik Covid-19 ialah kita seharusnya letakkan kesihatan sebagai prioriti utama.
- Optixanthin Product E-Booklet - EN Version
- OPTI-Kids E-Leaflet - EN Version
- OPTI-Kids E-Leaflet - CN Version
- Optixanthin Product E-Booklet - CN Version
- OPTI-Cap E-Leaflet - CN Version
- OPTI-Cap E-Leaflet - EN Version
- The Star Paper: Astaxanthin is renowned for its powerful antioxidant qualities
- Kelulut Honey Microb & Chemical Test
- Kelulut Honey HMF
- Besides being Antioxidants, does Stingless Bees Products have Medicines Properties?
- Opti-B Antioxidant Tests 30.03.22
- NutraIngredients-Asia Awards: OPTIXANTHIN OPTI-i is a Finalist in the Product of the Year: Botanical Category
- 虾红素Opti-C - 银发年龄 . 大脑清晰灵活 | “血糖和胆固醇终于到了健康水平了!真让医生感到意外!👍 每天不只很有精神!而且体重也降到健康水平了,走路更轻松了!” - 蕾女士, 71岁
- 【真实案例分享✨】妈咪一进入“更年期”,身体会突然间发热! 晚上更是常常失眠,嘴巴也破裂!还好喝了Opti-C!
- 【真实案例分享✨】“80岁的父亲喝了再喝,因为真的很有效❤️” “说活力气十足!头脑也很清醒”
- 【真实案例分享✨】睡眠品质真的好了很多💤 而且现在也不需要服药了! 患上帕金森病的先生服用第五瓶后的变化!👆
- Opti-C 虾红素椰油 - 改善大脑与肌肉的沟通 | 改善大脑情绪 | “能再次看见安康的姑姑,我们都安心无虞❤️” - 张姑姑侄子说到~ 张姑姑,84岁
- 【真实案例分享✨】家婆喝了段时间后,感觉从前失去的 #行动力 找回来了! OPTI-C #虾红素椰油磷脂酰丝氨酸 #恢复行动力
- #第四期帕金森症 导致严重手抖 👋 母亲喝了一段时间 #手终于不怎么抖动
- 【真实案例分享✨】“精神比较能集中,记性有改善,而且 #一睡到天亮 !” “朋友还叫我让给她一瓶先!因为太有效了!”
- 【真实案例分享✨】“母亲喝完一瓶,手和脚抖动次数明显减少!”
- 虾红素椰油 - 润养脑部的好帮手 | 预防大脑老化 | “患上帕金森病已经2年了,喝opti-c虾红素椰油🍀后,吃饭手不抖、还可以好好的写字✍️“ -郭先生
- 妈妈喝了一两个月后,原本起床需要我们孩子扶起来,现在却可以靠自己慢慢的起来了!- 陈女士 - 客户亲自分享❤️我们终于看见妈妈往好的方向前进!
- 一位孝顺的女儿分享:“喝了三瓶多,妈妈的手抖问题开始改善了”
- “喝了一瓶Opti-C后,爸爸的手比较不抖了😄” #客户回馈
- 喝了三个月,阿嬷睡得比较好,比较少半夜起来说要上厕所,脾气也改善了一些。虽然她有时还会叫错我们的名字,但是次数慢慢变少🥰
- Why is Optixanthin® Astaxanthin better?
- OPTI-Cap: Why is it so difficult to lose weight